
What is the German Deutsche Bahn?Posted byon Aug 12, 2021 in并出口age,News,Travel & Geography

This week, Germany’sÖffentliche Verkehrsmittel(m, public transit) are defined by aStreik(m, strike)ofLokführer(m, train drivers) of theGewerkschaft(f, labor union) GDL. Announced suddenly, theStreikput theDeutsche Bahnin a lot of trouble. But what is theDeutsche Bahn,它是如何工作的呢?是什么Streik?

What is theDeutsche Bahn?

Deutsche Bahn, Streik, GDL, Leipzig, Bahnhof, ICE, Train, German train

Image by author (Sten Ritterfeld), used with permission of Sten Ritterfeld.

TheDeutsche Bahn, often also abbreviated toDie Bahn(“the train”) is anAktiengesellschaft(public company) whose shares are wholly owned by theGermanBundesrepublik(Federal Republic). This means that it is technically a private company, it is in public hands. TheDBnot only manages and runs theSchienennetz(n, rail network), but also theEisenbahnen(f, trains) that run on them. At least, most of them. In recent years, more and more other private companies have gained access to the GermanSchienennetzfor improved competition. For example, with the currentStreik, alternatives such asFlixtraincould gain some customers and keepBahnreisende(m, train travelers) happy.

At 33,600 km (20,878 miles), the GermanSchienennetzis the longest in Europe. Over 5 millionPassagiere(m, passengers) reach their destinations in 26,000Personenzügen(passenger trains) every day! With more than 336,000Mitarbeiter(m, employees) all around the world,Die Bahnis also one of the largest mobility companies globally.

In Germany,die Bahnis often used for regional or intercity trips. A train from Berlin to Leipzig? There’s a fast ICE train that will get you there. Berlin to Frankfurt? Same. Arriving at the airport inKöln, and want to arrive at theHauptbahnhof(m, central station) to gawk at thecity’s massive, record-breaking cathedral?A regional train from DB is at your service.

Besidesdie Bahn, there are hundreds of localVerkehrsverbünde(运输系统)运行本地火车,布鲁里溃疡ses and trams. When you’re in a city, you most likely travel with them, but the moment you step outside of that city or specific city system,die Bahnis probably what you’ll use (if you go by train, that is).

Die Bahnis often known for beingverspätet(delayed), even though94,6 percent of its trains werepünktlich(punctual, on time) last year, according to the company’s own numbers. Also now, with theStreik,Verspätungen(f, delays) are a huge concern. Many media outletsexplainwhat theRechte(n, rights) are ofBahnreisende, what they can do if their train doesn’t come.

Anyway, now that we’re on the topic, what is thisStreikabout?

“Völlig überzogen”

The currentStreikis by theLokführer, meaning that many trains simply aren’t being driven, and so many are cancelled. Three-quarters of theFernverkehr(long-distance travel) are cancelled. And that in the middle of theUrlaubszeit(f, holiday season). TheStreikwas barely announced ahead of time, leaving manyBahnreisendewith too little time to adjust to the situation. ManyTouristen(m, tourists) didn’t even know about it at all, missing theirAnschlüsse(m, connections).

TheGewerkschaft der Lokführer(GDL), which organises thisStreik, claims thatDie Bahnhasn’t responded enough to their demands for better pay, and so thisStreikcame as a protest to forceDie Bahnto act. Their reaction? ThisStreik, and its magnitude, isvöllig überzogen(completely overblown). Let’s hope the situation gets resolved soon, so thatBahnreisendecan continue their journeys without problems!

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About the Author:Sten

Hi! I am Sten, both Dutch and German. For many years, I've written for the German and the Dutch blogs with a passion for everything related to language and culture. It's fascinating to reflect on my own culture, and in the process allow our readers to learn more about it! Besides blogging, I am a German-Dutch-English translator, animator and filmmaker.


  1. Erik Lang:

    Hi Sten! I am interested in learning more about Hornussen on my upcoming trip to Switzerland.

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    If you are interested in helping, let me know!

    Thank you!